A comprehensive explanation and commentary of the first 24 hadith of Imam al-Nawawi's classic compilation, Riyadh al-Saliheen.
Author: Abu Zakaria Al-Nawawi
It is the victory of the Jews, notwithstanding that they are a small group, over the Muslim ’ummah in four successive wars. The Arab Muslims whom these defeats have affected concur about the indispensability of concluding peace and compromise with the Jews, saying that there is no alternative before them and offering the excuse that the Jews are helped by the Western nations and America while the Muslims have no power and authority in their favour. And after having extended their hands for compromise with the Jews some of the Arabs have in fact concluded treaties with them calling these Peace Treaties. Since these treaties contain conditions that are invalid, more harmful and graver than defeats in the wars, and since people are asking about what should the Muslims' attitude be towards the Jews and towards the Peace Treaties that have been concluded, and because Allah Subhânahu wa Ta‘âlâ has taken a ovenant of those who are given knowledge to elucidate and not to conceal anything, I have liked to write briefly about the attitude which, according to sharî‘ah, the members of the Islamic ’ummah should adopt towards these treaties they call Peace Treaties.
Author: Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaliq
Publisher: http://www.salafi.net - Salafi Website
Translated from the original Arabic into English, provides a vivid insight into the moral conduct of the early Muslims in a society led by the perfect character of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ('I was only sent to perfect good character'). The Prophet's Companions represent excellent examples of men of vigorous moral stature whose conduct inspired and attracted the masses to the fold of Islam wherever they went during the expansion of the Muslim territories, and contrary to the stereotypic portrayal, in the West, of Islam as being spread by the sword.
Author: Muhammad ibn Ismaeel al-Bukhari
A book on how to develop Khushoo in prayers, rulings on Khushoo, the means of developing Khushoo, knowing the advantages of Khushoo in prayers and etc.
Author: Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Publisher: http://www.islamqa.com - Islam : Question & Answer Website
Questions atheists usually ask about Allah might vary but, they're predictable. Consider these: 1. Is there evidence God Exists? 2. How can we prove there is a God? 3. Where is God? 4. What is the origin of God? Where did He come from? and more.
Author: Yusuf Estes
A clarification of the great danger magic poses to Muslims and various du'aas to cure it
Author: Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz
Publisher: Daar Al-Watan
Source: http://www.islamhouse.com/p/1263